Inner Space Cavern

Located in Georgetown, Texas, Inner Space Cavern is a 100 million year old cave discovered in 1963 during the construction of I-35. Today, about a mile of the cave is open to tours and, since I had a little time to kill as I passed through town and was surprised that the attraction was open, I decided to give it a look. Overall, a very enjoyable side-quest.

This was the touch stone that visitors were allowed to feel. Inner Space is a living cave, therefore, no touching the other formations!
A cave bat. Our guide called them, “hamsters with wings.”
A gigantic flowstone. There was a clear layer of water constantly running down the 200 million year old structure.
Technically, they ARE cave paintings as they are paintings and in a cave, but these are only a few decades old and painted on a concrete retaining wall. The cave has several closed sinkholes in it and the fossil remains of Ice Age animals were found in the debris.
Some of the fossils.
The original entrance. It can be used today as an emergency exit. Light from the surface can be seen.
The deepest and most beautiful room on the tour.
On the way out, I was lagging behind and taking pictures when the guide cut the lights off. I could easily catch up with the group, but dang… it was dark!

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